permanent residency

When you decide to make the Yucatán your new home, you need to apply for residency. The first stap is often a temporary and after you extended that a few times you are ready to apply for a permanent residency. The process and requirements can be complex and may vary based on your personal situation. […]

temporary residency

If you’re considering living in Yucatan, Mexico, you’ll need to obtain temporary residency to legally stay in the country for an extended period. The process is not as complicated as you might think, but it does require some preparation and paperwork. In this article, we’ll explain the requirements and process to obtain temporary residency for the Yucatan. […]

Work permit

If you’re a foreigner seeking to work in the Yucatan, you’ll need to obtain a work permit. The process involves several steps and requirements, but it’s manageable as long as you follow the guidelines. The process Firstly, you need to obtain a job offer from a company registered in the Yucatan. This offer should include […]

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