Work in Mexico

Mexico has become an attractive destination for foreigners looking for job opportunities or starting a business. With its rich culture, favorable economic policies, and strategic location, Mexico offers a wealth of opportunities for individuals to work. In this article, we will explore the various opportunities available for foreigners who are looking for work in Mexico. […]

digital nomads

The Yucatan Peninsula: A Haven for Digital Nomads Digital nomads are individuals who work remotely and travel frequently while relying on technology to maintain their careers. The Yucatan Peninsula is an ideal destination for digital nomads due to its thriving economy, cultural richness, and availability of high-speed internet. In this article, we will explore the […]

Work permit

If you’re a foreigner seeking to work in the Yucatan, you’ll need to obtain a work permit. The process involves several steps and requirements, but it’s manageable as long as you follow the guidelines. The process Firstly, you need to obtain a job offer from a company registered in the Yucatan. This offer should include […]

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